Elbow Boulevard Park, now known as Woods Park, named after Calgary Herald publisher James H. Woods (Photo: Calgary Public Library)
Here are the books (and a couple of websites) I mentioned on my literary walk for Historic Calgary Week 2022 and Jane’s Walk 2023. Happy reading! You can find a map of a few of the sites on my Elbow Park walk below.
Elbow Park History
Max Foran, Calgary: Canada’s Frontier Metropolis: An Illustrated History (1982)
David Mittelstadt, A Social History of Elbow Park (2000)
Flos Jewell Williams
New Furrows (1926)
Fold Home (1950)
Carole Gerson et al, Hearing More Voices: English Canadian Women in Print and on the Air, 1914-1960 (2020)
Mary E. Waagen
The Wayside Cross (1924)
Laura Goodman Salverson
The Viking Heart (1923)
Confessions of an Immigrant’s Daughter (1939); (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023)
P. K. Page
The Hidden Room, Volumes One & Two (1997)
Hand Luggage: A Memoir in Verse (2006)
Sandra Djwa, Journey with No Maps: A Life of P. K. Page (2012)
Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance (aka Sylvester Long)
Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, Long Lance: The Autobiography of a Blackfoot Chief (1928)
Donald B. Smith, Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance: The Glorious Imposter (1999)
Karina Vernon, ed., The Black Prairie Archives: An Anthology (2020)
Charles W. Peterson
Fruits of the Earth: A Story of the Canadian Prairies (1928)
David C. Jones, “Ruminations of a Rustic: C. W. Peterson,” in Citymakers: Calgarians After the Frontier, Max Foran & Sheilagh Jameson, eds. (1987)
Winnifred Eaton Reeve (aka Onoto Watanna)
Cattle (1923), (Invisible Publishing, 2023); His Royal Nibs (1924)
Diana Birchall, Onoto Watanna: The Story of Winnifred Eaton (2001)
The Winnifred Eaton Archive, https://winnifredeatonarchive.org
Check out the “Onoto Watanna’s Cattle at 100” conference being held in Calgary in July 2023 in conjunction with Historic Calgary Weeky.ca/historic-calgary-week.
Karen Gosbee
A Perfect Nightmare: My Glittering Marriage and How It Almost Cost Me My Life (Sutherland House, 2020)